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Navigate Logo - ID:49747
navigate logo - ID:49747

Navigate Logo Design - 49747

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Logo ID: 49747
Date: 2014-12-31
Designer: Katherine-1
[animal] [black] [location] [map] [navigate] [penguin] [pin] [point] [position] [select] [travel] [app developer] [cloud computing] [creative services] [design studio] [directional services] [finding direction app] [geo tagging] [gps services] [hotel] [it location services] [location website] [multimedia firm] [navigation aid] [navigation app] [navigation services] [software developer] [technology center] [technology firm] [technology product] [travel agency] [travel website] [maps] [wayfinding app] [web design]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Katherine-1, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Navigate Logo - ID:25243
navigate logo - ID:25243

Navigate Logo Design - 25243

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Logo ID: 25243
Date: 2012-12-08
Designer: julialafer
[environment] [fishing] [club] [lake] [heron] [bird] [nature] [sports] [pirate] [sailor] [sea creature] [electric] [web server] [fashion] [electronics] [corsair] [drinks] [law] [broker] [desk] [maritime business] [navigate]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. julialafer, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Navigate Logo - ID:48341
navigate logo - ID:48341

Navigate Logo Design - 48341

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Logo ID: 48341
Date: 2014-10-20
Designer: zhanzhangou7272
[people] [navigate] [crown] [social networking] [group] [marker] [social] [teamwork] [collaboration] [marketing] [advertisement agency] [media] [software] [graphic design] [web design firm] [hosting] [technology firm] [app developer] [multimedia firm] [music] [digital media] [webcast] [multimedia] [blog] [chat room] [storage] [file delivery service] [data storage] [search engine] [software developer] [broadcast] [consulting] [team builder] [chat site] [forum] [school] [learning center] [career consultant]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. zhanzhangou7272, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Navigate Logo - ID:52243
navigate logo - ID:52243

Navigate Logo Design - 52243

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Logo ID: 52243
Date: 2015-04-21
Designer: chuishi
[dating] [heart] [place] [location] [map] [navigate] [point] [position] [select] [app] [application] [maps]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. chuishi, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.

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